Take an UrbanVision Quest.. to find your isness. 
         (isness: the connection between source & your own intuition that simply is.)
     First, begin by doing an attunment ritual-
do your own.. be creative and make one up
or do one that has worked for you in the past.

            (smugging with sage, a bath, deep breathing &/or meditation.. etc.)

           Then, vow to be on a junk thought fast for the day...

(This means watching your thoughts
and changing negative to positive,
destuctive to constructive..
worries into solutions.. etc.)

Now you're ready to see & do...
          what ever you feel is right for you,
explore yourself,
explore your neighborhood like you're a visitor,
or go somewhere you've never gone.

(Thrift Stores are a wonderful place
to see what the universe wants to give you -
books, messages on plaques, a new look?)

Keep asking yourself... who am I?
       And be open to the answers that you recieve.
While you observe yourself...
          think about your next step - what would you like to do              next with your life...
what do you want?
  What really matters to you &
what do you choose to do about it now?
What big picture do you see and   
what small steps can you take to move forwards?