What is "isness"?

isness: the connection between source & your own intuition that simply is.

(Written with a small i to remember that attitude of gratitude that comes from lessons of humility,
which is pain's main lesson - pain is a gifted teacher who backs off
as we simply listen and respond in a humble, positive, solution oriented way.)

Why "isness"?

Because as far as I can tell - there's no known name in the English language
for this connection between Spirit/Creator/God & our intuition..

so I called it "isness" because it simply is.

Can getting in touch with your "isness" save your life?

Through many miracles of healing I have found that addictions,
self destructive behaviors, and in fact any "dis-eases"
ultimately comes from fear;
that's based on a scarcity mentality
and lack of trust in the way the universe &/or* _________works..
and our inability to listen and act on our intuitions and guidance.

(*Please fill in the blank for your Spirit/Creator/God(s) of choice.
The point is to make the connection and choose a name for yourself if it helps,
however it best not to focus so much on the name and especially not the name that others use
there's been too much confusion over that stuff in the past.)

So therefore, the cure for all addictions, self destructive behaviors,
and "dis-eases"
is through becoming "in-ease"
with ourselves.. our lives.. and our loved ones in it.

Every book on enlightenment speaks of it..
how we can learn.. to be whole and let go of separation -
into the unity of all there is?

(Enlightenment: deeper and deeper levels of relaxation
more & more humorous perspectives & shorter & shorter
recovery time getting back to center.. when facing stuff.)

As we embrace an unlimited a-bun-dance of love that simply is -
we come to see our essence - and we see the essence of everyone
and everything and how it all connects through this
unlimited love that is offered to us
as a choice.. every day of our lives.

So it all comes down to a simple moment to moment choice...

When hard things happen.. how do we make the best of it
and find the growth in it?

Go on an Isness Vision Quest to find or strengthen your isness.