3 M's: Motivation, Meditation & Manifestation

Motivation: Intention Aligning Will

Self Motivation comes from
inspiration and these good feelings that inspire us
feed our enthusiasm with visualizations and these visualizations feed the belief that we can accomplish these goals and believing feeds the doing that creates the opportunities to eventually in time - make it happen.

If we have time to worry, we have time to pray.
No matter what happens to us,
if we find the wisdom to learn from it, and that is our deepest will - we heal.

Choosing healing when crisis happens:

1) Understand that there are no mistakes.
(How else could Spirit speak to us- except through our circumstances?)

2) Do our best to understand the lessons we are choosing to
teach ourselves by this experience.

3) Through the knowing that this is exactly what our soul co-created with Spirit to teach us this lifetime,
this allows us to become more and more open
to whatever happens through these understandings.

4) Continually adjusting ourse
lves accordingly - so that we are at least not making it worse and at best - we can see that this is the path to our refinement as a soul that we chose, to do just that- as we continue learning from all situations as we go.


It's all about attuning to our
life's purpose or calling

and allowing it to come to us.

If at a tense moment remember:

"The Gratitude Loophole" 

is always there
to come back to
Simply being grateful 
for everything that happens, 
because of what we can learn from it 
& because of who we become 

as people, because of it.

Together we can keep trust alive through sharing
"wise faith"

that everything always works out- this is the real understanding
that leads to feeling secure in life.

(Not to be confused with a "blind-faith" that just believes to believe in something)

"wise faith" knows that everything is perfect for our growth, from a spiritual perspective. With enough life experience behind us, we begin to see that life has shown us over and over again, that what we thought we wanted may have turned out to really be not at all we wanted. While what we didn't want at all- turns out to be a
really rewarding experience.

This is when we begin to feel a sense of divine guidance in everything that happens to us.
Even while we fight it, ourselves, and those we love along the way - when we take time to
& see how we've been fighting - then we begin to see our visions come alive
as we allow them to come into being.

The main understanding of intention and will - is alignment with the FACT that:


The question is: How?

(With kids try this: Earning Points towards rewards.
It can be a tool to help create Inner-Disipline..
the only kind that blossoms a whole being.)

And an answer is:

Integration of our "essential self" into our moment to moment experience of life through awareness, understanding,
and regular "checking in" both with our loved ones and ourselves.
And if it helps, through Family Balance Focusing
Through Active Meditation.