Adding a 10th Enneagram?

The Enneagrams is an ancient Sufi teaching that describes 9 different personality types and their interrelationships. Each point is characterized by a certain personality style that deals with different ways in which we deal with certain situations under stress - our "copying mechanism".
As we begin to recognize our own type of defense, we can see how we respond in conflicts as they happen and choose to change our behaviors that no longer work for us.
They also help us to better understand our loved ones, friends and fellow co-workers.
Then, we can understand the predisposition that each type has
for higher human capacity such as empathy and love.
The power of the system lies in the fact that ordinary patterns of personality
that we tend to dismiss as neurotic
are really the path of understanding that points a way to higher consciousness.

1. The Perfectionist

2. The Giver

3. The Performer

4. The Tragic Romantic

5. The Observer

6. The Devil's Advocate

7. The Epicure

8. The Boss

9. The Mediator

After studying this system I am proposing a 10th one:

10. The Peacelder

The "Peacelder" sits in the middle of all the enneagrams and can relate to each of these personality types because he/she had used each of these coping mechanisms at one time or another. Having such and deep love for humanity and empathy for each type they begin to soul search to find understandings that lead to higher consciousness and this becomes their deepest focus. They develop many tools of peaceful communications and begin to use it in situations where conflicts bring out these personality patterns, in people. Because of their service oriented sense of purpose they are able to assist any of these types into a more centered place as conflicts arise. This goes beyond "The Mediators" role who stand in the middle between two apposing sides. A Peacelder is dedicated to leading from the back and helping others to help themselves while offering them, as well as being, an example of tools for healthy boundaries, conflict - resolution and the gift of "checking in" with ourselves and those around us when it comes to personal space, time management, and how much we can take on without
becoming over-whelmed.
They live the understanding of wise-faith and live in gratitude
for all the many gifts that life offers in every form that continually comes to us.

We may not play the role of "The Peacelder" in every situation, all the time,
however if this is your goal - life will bring you many opportunities to cultivate you
towards that goal. As we love life - life loves us back in so many ways.


There are many other
Transparenting Tools

available on this site,
please check them out
& let us know if they help you.

Right now our world is changing...
one awakening at a time.

Slowly we are stepping out of "the blur lifestyle"
and taking back our life with KINDNESS -
as each person takes a step towards
the planet shines a bit more brightly.
