The Art Of CoCreative Communication

CoCreative Communication is communicating with the understanding
that we are all in this together and creative thinking brings solutions.

Speaking in a peaceful manor or with peaceful words is frequently
the focus of techniques that teach people to communicate better and yet the words they are taught to use can seem somewhat contrived, or worse yet patronizing -
like the person is talking down to them -
especially when the one doing most of the talking is in an authority positions.
So the question remains, how can we communicate in a way that's fulfilling and fun?

There are many ways to communicate just there are many ways to learn.
CoCreative Communication honors all of us working & playing together.

We all come to see how communication happens on so many levels simultaneously and the more sensitive a person is - the more overwhelmed they can be by the many levels of energies happening in the conversation (what each person is thinking - what each person is trying not to think - what each of their bodies are saying -
what each of their hearts
are saying.. etc.)

Things get even more complicated when misunderstandings occur mainly because people use different words for the same meanings or
mean different things
while using
the same words.

Many of us have found (especially the ones who are taking the time to read this) that even while both people are doing their best at co-creating an interdependent atmosphere that's respectful and loving it still can be very hard to accomplish.
Even more so if only one of the people in the conversation is attempting to come from that place.

So in a way, it may be best to go beyond words - to our heart connection and know that that essence is who we are. If this is the place we start at - we may have a chance at really connecting with our conversation - which is ultimately
what every conversation seeks - no matter what is said.

Often times both are holding a space for this and yet emotional responses block us from communicating in a way that keeps us from heart connection - because one or both may feel that they have to protect their heart from someone they care about a lot
and are therefore quite vulnerable when dealing with them.

(See the Art of Disarming the Bully within and around us.)

Healthy communication is centered on the intention of doing what’s best for all concerned (interdependent) and using solution oriented negotiation skills to find out what that is for everyone while acknowledging everyone's needs and inspiring healthy competition with ones self to improve - not comparison with others which always back-fires into judgments both of our selves and others while allowing for a spontaneous flow of ideas in a
cocreative atmosphere. Wow, now that's a mouthful!

So let's say that this thing called life
is really just an experiment in communication.

Empathy is an important tool and yet if we are too empathetic we can loose ourselves in the service of other's needs - and therefore get
co-dependent with them.

So, if we choose to seek a fun and joyous ways to make our needs known through understanding that we are all co-creating our communication and that this process is best served by being open to paying attention to our feelings as well as others and observing the situation before speaking and when we do speak.. focusing on eloquence and a kind comedy that connects us to our humanity -
then this experiment is going to get really fun.

If we see it all from the eyes of an observer of human behavior - understanding that we are not our behaviors - who we are is so much more - that way we give others and ourselves an out with dignity. Often times we may choose to keep ourselves in a positive, solution oriented head space - and we may find that a playful and kid-like excitement builds - and yet this may make others uncomfortable - enthusiasm has meant manipulation for many people.

So once again, it's important to monitor how others are responding and openly acknowledge what's happening. Of course, this can make certain people uncomfortable as well - honesty has also been a tool of manipulation. So ultimately, all we can do it be aware of these dynamics and keep doing our best to connect on a heart level - as much as possible.

We all know that this is no easy task.. and yet if we go about it understanding that communication is the grand experiment we are all involved in and that going beyond words to our hearts - the essence of who we are -
may be the best way to really connect.

To keep it fun - let's use a creative approach to finding the best way to communicate ideas while remaining aware that we hardly understand ourselves half the time.. so how can we expect others to understand us?

One of the kindest things my partner gave me was a time-out.
He taught me these words and I had to learn to say them
because it was not natural to give myself a time out when I felt uncomfortable.
I would say something clever and leave.

This is what he taught me to say,
"I hear what you're saying..
I'll think about it and get back to you -
right now I need some time to chill and think about it.

This gave some closure to the immediate conversation and after I calmed down and centered myself -
perhaps took care of myself - eating, going to the bathroom, sleeping, meditating, playing some music..
I did think about what he said and then when I came back
I had a much better approach to our conversation.

So much of the co-creative process is timing and understanding circumstances.
Sometimes it's just not the right time to talk.. and if we honor this flow - we stand to have much better connections with others.

A chorus from one of my songs has helped me a great deal:

"Get comfortable,
breath deep,
spiral into center
and then speak."

Even if it is the "right time" it can still mean that we need to be willing to risk disagreements - yet when done in a creative manor - a way that honors that each is contributing in a co-creative way towards the cocreation with oneself, with our Creator and with each other and that creative process.. as an artist does
with each new creation - then every conversation,
discussion and even disagreement, can be done with...

a playful, fun loving, creative approach -
and that's The Art Of CoCreative Communication.

CoCreative Communication Tools
The 2 Basic Principles Of CoCreative Communication
7 Steps in the Art Of CoCreative Communication

Blessings to you, your loved ones, and every part of your journey!

Right now our world is changing...
one awakening at a time.

Slowly we are stepping out of "the blur lifestyle"
and taking back our life with KINDNESS -
as each person takes a step towards
the planet shines a bit more brightly.
