Transparenting Life Readings

Transparenting Life Readings support you in embracing
and developing your creative self through taking a look at your life goals and relationships.
They allow you to have an overview of your over all energy and what you want out of life -
although insights are shared - no prediction or "advice" on what to choose is given -
instead our goal is strengthening your ability to attune to your own guidance
and inner wisdom and from that place make the best choice for you now.

These are some of the focuses for in depth Life Readings:

Transparenting Intuitive Arts Guide
& Personal Source Wellness Consultant
Aliah Selah Clar Rheinstein
*D.Sc., DMP, Ph.D (c):
Motivational Psycholoigst
Yoga Teacher & Wellness Consultant
For Over 25 Years

(Lovingly called "the Rock Doc"
by many clients for her comedy
on being a Rockaholix..
and inspiring the
in everyone!)

Client Comments

Life Readings can include Aliah's
Transparenting Tarot Deck & Astro-Runes
and Living Astrology Relationship Chemistry Tools. As an Intuitive Arts Guide
Aliah leads her clients to their own intuition and guides. Then she combines these life tools for conscious understandings with Hypnotherapy to help you attune to subconscious parts of you to cultivate your own unified energy source to move you towards goals with more ease and focus. This is a unique experience that offers you a new way to go about
making changes.
She offers interdependent support and inspiration to see your own empowerment
for who you are and who you see

yourself becoming.

Choose one of these 3 focuses:

Comfort & Relationships
Creativity & Callings
Wellness & Prosperity

Comfort & Relationships

At times we feel uncomfortable with our lives yet we are not sure what is making us feel that way. We will together look at your feelings and goals and see what brings you joy and comfort. Being comfortable is the first step in making changes. Yet know that we would never tell you to leave a job or relationship - or to stay and yet if we are not comfortable in our lives - often it is our work place or relationships that shows us that that is so. Our goal is to give you enough information and skills to listen to your heart while offering you support that empowers you in coming to the best choice for where you want to be headed - in a timing that feel comfortable to you.
By examining what's happening at your current job - like patterns you may have with co-workers you will come to see your part in the situation.
And in learning more so how to upgrade
work and other relationships through
interdependent negotiation skills -
you can allow yourself to begin working
more from the inside out.

Through focusing on your joy and allowing yourself to see what you want - you raise your own vibrations. Through this you can co-create the perfect job/relationship for you -
right where you already are
through upgrading it to
a higher frequency -
attracting a new situation to you.

We also focus on your Life Callings -
your Life Work is what makes you happy -
even if it is not what you currently get paid for. Having many kinds of rewards in follow through charity can be a lifework and not be your "real job".

It is possible to co-create just the job/relationship that will serve all of who you is by honoring your own intuition
& guidance we find it.

Aliah trained as a dancer her whole life
at 13 she became vegetarian and at 16 she was lead to yoga. Then, at 22 she developed:
It was inspired by the set taught to her by her 80 year old teacher who taught & inspired her of the ageless fountain of youth in yoga. Later, she studied Astanga Yoga (Power Yoga) and found that was what her teacher taught her and very similar to the YOGADANCE FLOW set.
She has also training in Alexander Technique & Ergonomics and can assist you in allowing a comfortable way to work & play.





What it going on now - energetically - is it a phase?
What understandings will move the lesson
along quickly?

What does this mean for my life goals and callings?

For those considering a reading..

Creativity & Callings

What are your creative goals?
Do you know what they are?
Do you have so many you don't know
where to begin?
What is it that makes you able to
follow through?

Listening to your inner guidance is the goal of this reading. Creativity is a wondrous gift that can be overwhelming and sometimes we're not sure how to begin. I have a lot of practical experience with developing creative abilities and empowering the
artist within you to emerge. Perhaps you have already developed your abilities as an artist/healer and now are seeking just how to promote what you do. I also have lots of practical experience in that as well.

I would never tell you to leave a job or stay at it or any "advice" that limits your own intuition and ability to choose what your vision is. I have many intuitive abilities and yet choose to use them to empower your own intuition and support you in making your life all you want it to be.

Aliah Selah is a “New Thought” Recording Artist & Interdisciplinary Artist as well as a
Spiritual Activist - who honors Creativity
with everyone she connects with.

Wellness & Prosperity

What are your health goals?
I began as a healer with many skills and
this work evolved out of the need to
understand why I could set someone
up on a program that would heal them
- yet they would not follow through.
I began to see that there are many
dynamics with healing that go very deep. I have experienced many miracle healings as well. What got me started with my books was when a woman that I worked with
healed in only 3 weeks
from Ovarian Cancer.

I have a lot of experience with healing to support anyone who is seeking healing. If you have a part of you that fights your healing, together we can uncover what that is and how to heal that part of you that wants what's good for you.

If you are seeking healing consulting I
offer that as well - I work with people
as part of a team with their Doctors.
At times I recommend that people get
several opinions by many Doctors until
they find one that honors them in their healing process. Many times I have been the one who defends clients from their "healers" - Doctors or Natural healers who make the client feel helpless and that they know better for them and their body
than they do - it is a co-creative process - healing.. and takes a team of healers who support the client to do the inner work along with the outer things one can do to heal. We focus on building the Immune System and
cleansing the digetive system and harmonizing the energetic system into
an Ergonomic Wellness Lifestyle that can
excell any treatment for any "dis-ease".

My goal is to help empower
the client to feel "in-ease"
- and with this approach many people have been able to completely heal.
Everytime it is such a miracle.

Aliah has many healing skills that she has
gathered for over 25 years.
She earned her MA in Clinical Hypnotherapy
and is earning her Ph.D. in
Motivational Psychology.
For years as a Wellness Consultant and has helped many to go Health Food Shopping.
She can help to organize for better home flowthrough Ergonomics & Energetics (found in HomeLifeProsperity Program)
combing ancient Feng Shui
and modern life.

Aliah and Paz especially love doing
Engagement (help in choosing dates)
Wedding Readings & New Baby Readings
- that can help with attunement of the coming change
that we are welcoming into our lives.

Aliah has also had the honor of conducting
wedding ceremonies and new baby blessings -
a sweet joy!

Aliah & Paz also do Blessings for Special Events
and are honored to be asked to offer a
Blessing anywhere they can.
They combine song and prayer
that can serve to be appropriate
for each event.

Relationship Dynamics

We never feel that someone is a good "match" for someone else... this is for you to decide, however getting a reading on the relationship dynamics will put you (and your partner) in a better position to make that decision. Through doing this work you will create the perfect relationship for you - either with upgrading the relationship with the person you are with now or in attracting a more compatible person to you. If both people in the relationship are interested - Couples Readings are available with both Aliah and her life partner Paz.

Family Dynamics

With both birth family and current family dynamics we can help you to understand patterns that have been keeping you in a self-image that others have projected on you. We also offer many negotiation skills and inner work exercises to help you better transform relationships into healthy interdependent ones -
whether they do or not.

Transparentining & Interdependent
Family Life

Understanding our children & family dynamics we specialize in what is being called "Indigo Children & Adutle" and they are those who seem to not fit in to the normal 9 to 5 world. They are usually night people, and they are artistic, sensitive, and intuitive and at times have a hard time with authority figures who are not living what they ask of others.

Artists, Healers, and Inventors
And we find they need an
individual approach to education
one that honors
their our guidance and allows learning from the inside out.

There are many
Transparenting Concepts to draw from for Parenting issues of all kinds of children. Every child and parent can benefit from these ideals -
as we all inspire & support each other
in reaching them.


Aliah & Paz

Each offer Life Readings on their own.
And their specially has become together doing
Couples Readings focusing on
Relationship/Family/Parenting issues.

Click below to find out more about Paz and
Living Astrology that focuses on
Soulmates, Life Callings, and Lie Cycles & Timing

Check out Paz's book:
Living Astrology

Astrology that honors the intuition of each individual is more what Astrology began as - it was just cosmology and part of learning the sciences. Metaphysical understandings are more and more having relevance in modern
quantum physics and beyond.
So it has all come full circle.

Living Astrology can be very helpful for
relationship chemistry understandings,
timing issues, and specific dynamics between
each of us and the passages
and timing of transitions.

What have you come together
teach & learn
from each other?

So much of how you answer this question depend on how you see lessons, teaching and learning abilities and blocks. And what you do with the information and yet,
the fact that you are reading this
is a very good sign.

Mostly, we focus on inspiration and interdependent support for what allows you to come to your own answers
and guidance through synchronicity
and spiritual growth.
And to share in the knowing that when we walk
the path of awakening (that many have walked)
- there are a few similar bumps in the road.

Knowing some of the similar bumps and
"comic loop holes" to get through hard times
can be very comforting
and help you to enjoy the journey
getting to where you would like to be.

Blessings to you, your loved ones, and every part of your journey!