Getting Free
the art of disarming the bully (inside or around us)
through kind love, interdependence, & Wise Faith

The evolution is being empathized!

Breath deep and remember that:
the path to
getting free is deeper and deeper levels of relaxation
helping others to remember this with our love
and acceptance of where they're at is the key... and when needed...
we must use that key to open a door... finding the perfect moment
when a loving connection has been made and they are really receptive...
then it is time to lovingly address the bully inside them
and also this is true for the bully inside us too.

This is called the art of Disarming the Bully!

We all have bullies inside us
and have had experiences with those who acted like bullies in our lives.

They act that way because people they saw act that way often time got what they wanted... or people confronted them by bullying back or just leaving without giving them any feedback about the interaction.

At some point someone cares enough about someone who acts this way...
to point it out to them at a time & place when they can hear it.

6 Points to remember while:
Disarming The Bully

1) Continually give them an out with dignity.
(i.e. I know that you know this- type statements-
never use blame, be patronizing or judgmental.)
Empowering them to be the kind self they long to show more of...
even if it's way deep down inside for now.
They need to come to see that they can trust that they will still be
respected .. and their valid needs met.
Everyone they knew who got respect
bullied those around them to get also... it's all they know that works.
(Or that they think works, temporarily.)

2) Be honest about your feelings in a kind way...
without judging them for their actions.

3) Keep affirming to them (and to you) that they are not their behaviors,
that who they are is much more and you are holding a space for that.

4) Offer kindness that's honest and loving while being strong and clear about what's really
going on from a perspective
of what's best for all concerned.

5) Keep focused on the relationship you share,
and to do what's best for that, not just for you or for them.

6) Keep affirming that we are all in this together
and that we all deserve real happiness in this life
and that bully behaviors never lead to real happiness.

They have to see that it's not in
THEIR best interest to act this way.
They need to see (and often it's for the first time)
a gentle strength as an example of a kind loving parent
who patiently explains,
and more importantly who's an example
of why & how to do things in this way.
Emphasizing that no matter how hidden it may be,
we all do want & deserve joy.

Handling things in this manner they see
(sometimes for the first time)
that we all win when we are considerate,
kind and loving in our interactions
and our whole world grows a bit more livable.

If we do our job well, they are completely disarmed
or at least the walls around their hearts crack a bit-
or even a gate has been made in a wall,
so that certain people that earn their trust may come in through it.

Because we handle things in this way,
our friends & loved ones
(especially our kids)
come back to us in time of need.

interdependence happens 
when those who often act as elders
are able to also go to friends & loved ones 

when we are hurting as well... and seek counsel.

Feel love with each & every interaction

listen to universal messages...

hear words of love with each & every interaction
even if it is not said lovingly...

bring others into their hearts even when they are not communicating well.

That's when they need love the most!

Healing the inner family so the outer ones can heal.

Experiencing the inner child within us all
comes from a love of innocence and authentic relations..
this state of mind is

Allowing our inner father to protect our inner child
with discernment& ethical authority

allowing our inner mother who nurtures, comforts,

& empowers our inner child, with creative interdependence.

 Getting Free... begins with a deep inner refusal to accept deception
first from ourselves.. then from others,
yet with kind compassion that doesn't judge anyone for for short comings.

 Getting Free
is all about why we come to earthschool.
The whole thing is our choice... and as our will attunes to this vibe
that we have all come here to manifest...
our purpose is to explore this process while we are here
and review it when we leave so we can do better next time.
Reflections of this whole process of growth...

attuning to our soul's purpose
this is simply being called:  Getting Free!

As far as destiny vs. freewill question?
the answer is both...
destiny is everyone's freewill... happening simultaneously

If my false sense of “I” has dissolved, who is there to suffer?
“I” only get upset at what ever is threatening
the illusions I have about myself.

Why aren't we all free, if that is why we are here?

We are, we just may not know it yet, however if we are a seeker...
it will be there among topics with friends...
freedom is there ringing in the silences of conversations when people are really being honest & loving & seeking understanding with one another.

The path to  Getting Free
is simply deeper and deeper levels of relaxation...

We must first see ourselves as we actually are,
not as we would like to picture ourselves...

illusions & flattery are our deception
and will continue to get in our way until we see what keeps happening when we go there.

If you do not see yourself as you are in actuality you will not see others as they really are, and you will become
a puzzled victim both in yourself & others & circumstances.

It is superbly good to see the bad, awareness of it is freedom from results
So it is not that we see what is wrong but how we respond to it.

Do we make something worse when hard things happen or make the best of it... there is purpose in everything that happens and soon we develop:  
Wise Faith

Wise Faith come from good things happening
and then they turn out to be really hard...
& then hard things happen and they turn out to be even better in the end.

Enough of this happens to the seeker and then we develop a wise faith that understands how to make the best of whatever happens
because if we do... it will resolve faster
and teaches us something in the process.

We come to see that these events that cultivate us are the very things that can turn out the best... that it happened so we would learn.

Failure can be a wonderful learning tool if we learn from it without shame for having "failed"... the road to any success is lead with many failures... but that is only a label that some people attach to it...
if we can see it as a longer (and more interesting) road to success...
if your success is about
Getting Free
then "failure" can be our best teacher... we are taught to simply let go
of whatever idea we had of success and the timing we had for it... we are taught what Edgar Cayce calls the 4th dimension: patience.

   3 esoteric facts about Getting Free...

The inner world of thoughts, feelings, desires, insights, compassion, curiosity and other psychological experiences
determine my outer world of everyday life. 
I draw experiences to me that balance my imbalances. 

Thinking that something in the future brings happiness
only postpones the enjoyment possible now.

cease to be anxious - trust the universe to take care of us. 

Life decides many things for us & Getting Free is why we are here.  Guiding me to letting go so I can happily.. enjoy the ride.
Be patient with yourself & love, love love...
and again... remember that: the evolution is being empathized.


The soul's communication of truth is the highest event in nature...
and this communication is the process
of the
Divine Mind into our mind...
every moment when the individual feels invalidated by it... is memorable.

                                                                       -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Be teachable that is the whole secret!

Doubts create defeat!
as long as one prefers the illusion of individual separation
to the reality of unity with all

- defeat will be the experience -

So the path is all about slowing down & making doubts conscious.

This helps us to dissolve it with our awareness

of the false foundation of the illusionary self which created them.

12 things that keep us from... Getting Free
1)   False Assumptions (makes an ass out of u & me)

2)   Searching outside ourselves

3)   False hope in the future ("hope" can be quite hopeless... Wise Faith is based on experience and understanding karma and flowing with timing... hope is unsure... wise faith knows what is best for all is what should happen, not what one hopes for... prayers are best served when one prays for what is best for all.)

4)   Laziness towards self awakening

5)   Wrong attention (criticizing others)

6)   Self-condemnation
(criticizing self)
7)   False belief in a fixed state (all is change)

8)   Dishonesty (consciously or unconsciously)

9)   Discouragement & depression (dissatisfaction has a purpose)

10) Compromising values  - Integrity... a will to serve & wisdom how each moment it is best to do so.

11) Vanity & egotism - healthy self love is not self absorbed - it is interdependent so keep checking in with those around us and keep agreement made or negotiate new ones if changes come.

12) Dependency on others, substances, things... accomplishments... outcomes... only inner peace is truly dependable and what we have the most ability to have within us no matter what occurs.


Clear understanding of a harmful habit simply erases it!

Intelligence is the patient gathering of knowledge & wisdom to know how to use that knowledge. Knowledge about self... tranformational knowledge,
is the most powerful & fulfilling knowledge one can grasp in life...
leading us to peace.  However knowledge without psychic realization of our essence as love & humanity as one big family, moves nothing.

With it, we can move mountains.

Spiritual Intention + Will to Serve + Understanding interdependent love
+ Humorous Perspectives = a joyful peace
& Getting Free

Every breakdown is a potential breakthrough!

Breakthroughs are when we realize, even vaguely, that something beyond our ordinary life actually exists...
it is found in synchronicities and coincidences.

Security cannot exist because of something.
If it has a cause, that cause will sooner or later change. 
Pulling the platform out from beneath your shoes. 
Security is when you have no security what so ever,
no attachments, nothing to cling to.

10 encouraging Principles for Getting Free

1) There is a place within us where we are at peace and can sit back & observe life...
from a place of Wise Faith knowing that all that happens has a greater purpose towards Getting Free!
2) Doubts, discouragement, & defeat... all have to do with my perceptions
(or at times misconceptions) of growth.

3) Again, any breakdown can lead to a breakthrough when we focus on our life purpose & allow ourselves to go a different way than how we were going.

Pain comes from doing what we have always done and expecting a different result than what is happening... we are getting valuable feedback when thing don't go the way we would like them to.

4) The most successful person in the eyes of others is a good listener with a compassionate heart who follow through on agreements or makes new ones if things change with consideration for all involved.

5) No matter what events occur or circumstances prevail my focus is centering my inner stillness.

6) Seeing through my "self image" (which usually was given to us by others anyway) is the only way to feel the trueness of my being... I let go of it.

7) Life makes sense always when our intentions are focused on spiritual growth & honest truth.

8) Values of loving all humanity are our salvation they lead to interdependent relationships and free us from our pain.

We are all Getting Free...
one moment at a time
9) Letting go can mean many particular things to many people...

I see myself in the moment focusing on love... & letting go of fear

10) Being connected to our creator & all creation through loving all beings

With earnest work all is revealed... so as we let life reveal itself to us...
We accept things as they actually are... and we have peace in our hearts, minds & souls.
Uncertainty is good... it opens up possibilities...

                            If anything is certain... it is ones own uncertain mind
                                            to know that you do not know

                                                   is the dawn of knowing.                 
                                                                                - St. Augistine

We are visitors here all of us... not owners of this earth.
We could own the entire world, but our ownership comes when we don't care whether we own it or not..
we just take care of it because it effects all of us. 
Our desire to attempt to feel secure through possession can lead to realizing that there is no security in possessions and often times
there's a lot of work and responsibility..
so sometimes
Getting Free comes from letting go
of un-needed possessions.

When we let go of what we don't need... or better yet, what is harmful to us or not supporting our path... we open a space for new energy to come in.

Unless we are one with ourselves,
we cannot really enjoy anything in life.
When we are one with ourselves, we are one with everyone
and everything that happens,
we simply understand it's greater meaning in the long run.
Everything turns our for the best if we allow it to.

When there are no conflicting delusions between
the inner world & outer world.

Then, daily activities are pleasant, easy, and rewarding.

may the blessings be
love in a-bun-dance

eternally Getting Free

Visualize living in an interdependent world..
where bullies are lovingly disarmed and children are taught how to love each other and communicate their feelings in a
kind, loving, and empowering way.. they are taught wise faith.

A world where we all have what we need to survive...
healthy food, a harmonious home, & a job we love that contributes to the world
time to enjoy our live and a way to give back to those who help us.
As we see everyone's real needs as valid around the world...
we will create interdependent relationships with everyone in our life
and this is the path to creating:
Peace On Earth